What to Expect

What to Expect
Visiting a church for the first time can be a bit awkward or intimidating experience. We get it. We want to help ease some of that anxiety with some information of the most common questions (FAQs) of what you could expect in a visit to LCC.
Feel free to contact us if you have any others.
LCC’s services are intentionally designed to be focused on God, based on the Bible, and driven by the Gospel. We take the Bible very seriously and want our services to reflect the Bible’s priorities. Typically a service includes a welcome and announcements, congregational singing, prayers, giving tithes & offerings, and the preaching of the Word of God. A primary part of our worship is in hearing and responding to God’s word. This is when we hear a sermon from God’s word, most of which are expository. This just means that the point of the sermon comes from a particular passage of scripture.
Our music is primarily about God, singing songs that honor Him and focus on the person and work of Jesus. Secondarily, our music recognizes that God designed the church to represent a diversity of cultures, ages, and backgrounds so we seek to reflect that in the way we worship. At LCC, you’ll find a blend of new and old songs that focus on the person and work of Jesus Christ.
You’ll find a wide variety of dress styles at LCC. Some people wear jeans, some people wear ties, and some people wear a tie with their jeans. There’s no dress code; at LCC, we’re a family with people from all walks of life. Please wear whatever is most comfortable for you. So don’t stress too much about what to wear, we care more about you than your clothes.
Worshiping at LCC is a family event with many options for your children.
- A Nursery is available for infants through 3 years old. We are also accommodating to nursing mothers; just notify a nursery volunteer of your needs.
- LCC Kid’s Connect is our Children’s Church program. Your kids will sit with you during the music service and will be dismissed part-way through the service.
Children are a vital part of our ministry. We don’t see them simply as the Church of tomorrow, they are part of the church today. These ministries are not babysitting services, rather they are disciple-making programs to assist parents in bringing up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). Enjoy the worship service knowing your children are well cared for. Our workers are carefully selected and love caring for your children while you are enjoying the worship experience.
Parking is on-site free of charge. Once the lot is full there is additional parking in our field as well as some off-street parking on Seaview Avenue. Wheelchair access is available. For those needing to be dropped off at the side doors, our safety team is happy to offer parking assistance.