Leadership Structure
We believe that the ministry is a team sport for all the saints rather than something that only the “clergy” does (Eph. 4:10-12). We are all servants working together. LCC is moving toward a governing structure that is elder-led congregationalism; a congregational polity that is led by pastors who are assisted by deacons. Many ministry functions are facilitated through ministry teams/committees.
A Team of Servant Leaders
We believe that deacons exist in the local church to preserve the role of the pastors/elder and ensure that physical needs do not go unmet. We see the New Testament role of deacons begins with benevolence needs (Acts 6) and ends with any other roles that assist the pastor(s) in the ministry. Our deacons serve for 3-year terms.
2025 Deacon Body
Lloyd Jones
Brian Casto Sr.
James Mercadante (Benevolence Treasurer)
David Bosico (Chair)
Paul Alexis
Church Staff
Administrative Assistant/Office Manager – PT/ Summer – Miss. Karrigan Byrd & Miss. Rachael Geller
Custodial/Sexton – Open Position
Housekeeping/Custodial – Mrs. Andrise Alexis
Music Director/Coordinator – Mrs. Jamie Byrd