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Group Options

There are many opportunities to build relationships and grow in your knowledge of the Bible. Those groups are divide into three categories Bible Fellowships, Life Groups, and Support Groups.

Bible Fellowships

These classes are mid-sized communities (also called Sunday School Classes) that cover a topic, doctrine, or specific areas of Christian living like marriage or parenting. At LCC we have Bible Fellowship Classes for all ages. Bible Fellowships meet on Sundays at 9:30 AM.

Life Groups

These Groups are a way to care for our church family and simultaneously offer a space for us to “Be” the church, practice the “One Anothers” of the New Testament and develop deep Gospel-Centered relationships. These groups are a discipleship strategy intended to help our church connect together, apply Scripture in real life situations, foster true fellowship, and develop our spiritual gifts in the context of gospel community.

Support Groups

Are groups for particular struggles and needs.

  • GriefShare – a recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one.
  • Handivangelism – a ministry for those adults and children with disabilities.
Core Classes

These are classes that cover content that we believe is important for all Christians to know and apply and thus will be offered repeatedly on a rotation.

Community Life Groups

Our vertical connection with God brings us into a horizontal connection with each other (1 John 1:7). There’s no such thing as “Lone Ranger Christians.” While our relationship with God is personal; it is not private. God intended New Testament Christianity to be lived out in a community, the primary community of the Gospel is the local church.

Groups are a way to care for our church family and simultaneously offer a space for us to “Be” the church, practice the “One Anothers” of the New Testament and develop deep Gospel-Centered relationships. These groups are a discipleship strategy intended to help our church connect together, apply Scripture in real life situations, foster true fellowship, and develop our spiritual gifts in the context of gospel community.

Intergenerational and family integrated

Groups are intergenerational and family integrated which means that we are choosing not to separate groups by demographics or age. We want to reflect the unifying power of the Gospel in our fellowship groups.


Groups are sermon-based. This means that the content of our discussion will primarily be the text of Sunday morning sermons. This lets us keep a unity of doctrine and context to our growth.*

Deliberately led

Groups are deliberately led. Each group will be led by qualified leaders, most groups have a deacon or pastor involved. Meetings usually involve some fellowship time with food, discussion time, and prayer time.

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Don't be a "Lone Ranger!"