90th Anniversary Celebration

April 21, 2024  |  Linwood Community Church

1838 Shore Rd, Linwood, NJ, USA

By God’s Grace, He has allowed the fellowship of Linwood Community Church to exist and minister for 90 years. We would like to invite you to celebrate this milestone at our  90th Anniversary Celebration, planned for April 21, 2024. The celebration plans include:

  • 9:30 Testimonies and Stories of God’s Grace
  • 10:45 A special Anniversary Service with Pastor Rick John as our special speaker. (update: Pastor Rick will not be able to attend in person – a video welcome will be given and Tim Sheetz will be preaching.)
  • 6:00 PM Anniversary Banquet

Our theme for the anniversary is taken from John Newton’s text, ‘Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.” That famous line in “Amazing Grace,” modeled from 1 Chronicles 17 was presented to Newton’s congregation in 1773 and speaks of David’s past, present, and future. It also sets the tone and vision for this anniversary celebration. We seek to declare God’s works from one generation to another (Psalm 145:1-4), and look back to learn and gain encouragement and endurance so we can look forward with unity and hope. 

 It would be wonderful if you’re able to celebrate this milestone with us.