Summer Swap 2024

Jayson Byrd   -  

What is Summer Swap?

Our Summer Schedule Adjusts from Independence Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend. (July 7th through September 1st)

  • Worship Service and Sunday School Hours will be swapped. 
  • Wednesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer – Summer Combined Small Group 

Goals of the switch

  1. Prioritize Worship while recognizing the seasonal change in summer schedules. 
  2. Promote discipleship growth and fellowship through summer electives. 
  3. Allow rotation, rest, and recruiting teachers, volunteers, and ministry team members. 
  4. Give opportunities for fellowship and prayer on Wednesday nights

Summer 2024 Schedule

  • July 7th, 9:30 AM Service – 11:-00 Brunch with missionary Jennifer Hu
  • July 14th, 9:30 AM Service Hawaiian Shirt Sunday & VBS Worker Commissioning
  • July 21st, 9:30 AM Service Tiago Briganholo (Word of Life Area Missionary) Speaking
  • July 28th 9:30 Service – No Summer Seminars
  • August 4th 9:30 AM Service – 11:00 AM Summer Seminars
  • August 11th, 9:30 AM Service – 11:00 AM Summer Seminars
  • August 18th, 9:30 AM Service – 11:00 AM Summer Seminars
  • August 25th 9:30 AM Service – 11:00 AM Summer Seminars
  • September 1st 9:30 Service (Labor Day Weekend) No Summer Seminars
  • September 8th, Summer Swap Ends – Return to Normal Schedule
    • 9:30 AM R3 Revival Prayer Meeting
    • 10:45 Worship Service
  • September 15, R3 Heart Conference with the Frazor Evangelistic Team
    • 9:30 Combined Adult Classes & Groups –
    • 10:45 Service
    • Special Meetings September 15-19

Summer Seminars 2024

Summer seminars for children and youth, and three options for adults.